
Rhizomatic offers a six-month publicity campaign in two phases:

Phase 1 (three months leading to publication date):

1. Reading and studying all relevant materials pertaining to the campaign, e.g., initial press kit drafts and advance review copies.

2. Researching prospective review and blogging venues.

3. Creating all press materials, as needed. This includes a press release, and other pieces to be decided.

4. Time permitting, helping publisher and/or writer secure blurbs.

5. Preparing a galley letter and a list of periodicals, reviewers, bloggers, etc. about receiving galleys.

6. Coordinating with each book’s respective publishers to arrange website synchronicity, bookstore appearances in locations TBD, etc.

7. Working in advance with electronic and print media to secure interviews.

8. Working with book reviewers, bloggers, etc., to secure timely reviews and relevant blog entries.

9. Monthly follow-up with all book reviewers, bloggers, etc.

10. Debriefing with each writer and publisher about progress.

11. Promotion of book on social media and Rhizomatic’s website.

Phase 2 (three months following publication date):

1. Regular follow-up with all reviewers, bloggers, etc.

2. Debriefing with each writer and publisher about progress.

3. Promotion (on social media and Rhizomatic’s website) of reviews and interviews as they appear.

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